LA Femtech Salon

July 28, 2022

The inaugural Femtech Salon on July 28th, 2022 at BioScience LA in Culver City was the talk of the town!

Hosted by My Comma and BioScience LA, the event was so popular that attendees had to RSVP faster than Usain Bolt runs a 100m race. Over 150 attendees, including femtech founders, investors, service providers, and consumers, came together to discuss the femtech industry in Los Angeles.

The keynote speaker, Diane Shader Smith, dropped pearls of wisdom, and the panel discussion moderated by Anna Magzanya, Chief of Staff for the Los Angeles Times, was nothing short of electric. Panelists Crystal Adesanya, Carine Carmy, Mitchelle Gilbert, Denise Pines, and Elizabeth Dell kept the conversation lively with their impactful founder stories.

It was a fantastic event that left everyone feeling empowered and connected. We can't wait for the next one!